Enrolment starts 6th of December at 5pm. In past few years PoWiCup team spots have booked in seconds! Quick fingers will be helpful! 😉
You don’t need any experience or knowledge of Finnish skittles (kyykkä) before the tournament. Registration fee is total 50 euros per team and it includes the program of the day, four after party tickets and four official PoWiCup 2022 badges. If you have more than four players on your team, you can buy extra after party tickets and badges from the venue.
Registration information:
In enrolment-form will be asked: name and abbreviation of the team, captain’s name, email and phone number, number of team players (4,5 or 6) and if your team language is finnish or english.
The captains will get confirmation about successful enrolment via email, that means that although that you can send the form, your team is not automatically in! Teams that didn’t fit in main tournament will be set to the reserve spots automatically. Normal enrolment for reserve spots begins 7.12. at 5pm.
Read more information and see the link here:
Registration – PoWiCup